Professor Aryeh Grabois

Contact Details

Department of History
University of Haifa
Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905
Tel 972-4-8249481
Fax 972-4-8249195



When and where did you initially develop an interest in the history of the crusades and/or the Latin East?

Who or what sparked your enthusiasm for the subject?

I became aware of the topic in the fifties, inspired by my late teacher, Professor Joshua Prawer.


Please provide details of your Higher Education, including dates, institution(s) and the name(s) of your research supervisors.

  • 1955 - 58 Hebrew University of Jerusalem (BA)
  • 1958 - 60 Hebrew University of Jerusalem (MA)
  • 1961 - 63 University of Dijon (France) - PhD Supervisor Professor Robert Folz

Career History

Please provide details of your academic career history, including confirmation of your current institutional affiliation and contact details.

  • 1963 - 64 Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Lecturer 
  • 1963 - 98 University of Haifa: 1968 - Senior Lecturer (Tenure)
  • 1973 - Professor of Medieval History
  • 1976 - 9 Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
  • 1986 - 91 Dean of the Graduate School
  • Visiting Professor:       
    1979 - 80 University of California, Berkeley
    1991 - 92 University of Mainz (Germany)
    1993 Institute for Advanced Study - Princeton (US) Fellow
    1994 CNRS Paris - Directeur de Recherche Associé
  • 1998 University of Haifa - Professor Emeritus of Medieval History

Influences and Methodologies

What ideas and/or methodologies have informed your approach to your research?


Research Outlook

What do you consider to be the most important avenues for future research in the field of crusader studies?


Research Output

Please provide details of your research output, including publications and other media as appropriate.

  • "Le privilège de croisade et la régence de Suger", Revue historique du Droit français et étranger, (1964), 458-465.
  • (Hebrew) "Christian Pilgrimage in Mediterranean in the Middle Ages and its Impact on Contemporary Mind", The Mediterranean Sea in Jewish and General History, Jerusalem, 1970, p 68-95.
  • "La citéde Baniyas et le château de Subeibeh pendant les croisades", Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 13 (1970), 43-62.
  • (Hebrew) "Acre as the Gateway of Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the Crusader Period", Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel, 2 (1972), 93-106.
  • "Le pèlerin occidental en Terre sainte à l'époque des croisades et ses réalités: Jean de Würzburg", Mélanges E-R. Labande, Poitiers, 1974, p 367-376.
  • (Hebrew) "The Relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine during the Crusader Period", Middle Eastern Studies, N° 22 (1976), 28 pp
  • (Hebrew) "The Jewish Settlement of haifa in the Middle Ages", Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel, 4 (1978), 147-159.
  • (Hebrew) "The Coastal Area of Northern Palestine in the Crusader Period", Coast and Sea, Tel Aviv, 1978, p 73-85.
  • "Navigation et traffic maritime dans la Méditerranée au VIIIe siècle selon les sources hagiographiques", Orient et Occident à travers les âges, Nice, 1982, p 7-13.
  • "Christian Pilgrims in the Thirteenth Century and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: Burchard of Mount Sion", Outremer: Studies Presented to Joshua Prawer, Jerusalem, 1982, p 285-296.
  • "Les pèlerins occidentaux en Terre sainte et Acre: d'Accon des croisés à Saint-Jean d'Acre", Studi Medievali, III, 24 (1983), 247-264.
  • (Hebrew) "The Galilee during the Crusades", The Lands of Galilee, Tel Aviv, 1983, I, p 283-300.
  • (Hebrew) "On the Image of an Historical Reminiscence: the Street of the Jews in Jerusalem in the Crusader Period", Essays Presented to Zeev Vilnay, Jerusalem, 1984, p 179-182.
  • (Hebrew), "From Holy Geography to Palestinography: Changes in the Descriptions of Thirteenth Century Pilgrims", Jerusalem Cathedra, 31 (1984), 43-66,
  • "Anselme, l'Ancien Testament et l'idée de Croisade", Les mutations socio-culturelles au tournant des XIe-XIIe siècles, Paris, 1984, p 161-173.
  • "The Crusade of Louis VII, King of France: A Reconsideration", Crusade and Settlemnt, Cardiff, 1985, p 95-104.
  • "Anglo-Norman England and the Holy Land", Anglo-Norman Studies, 7 (1985), 132-141.
  • (Hebrew) "Landscape and Agriculture of the Holy Land as Related by Early Medieval Pilgrims", Man and Land in Eretz-Israel in Antiquity, Jerusalem, 1986, p 244-254.
  • (Hebrew) "Travels and Pilgrimages by Jews in Palestine in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries", Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1986, vol II, p 63-70.
  • (Hebrew) "Attachment and Strangeness in the Pilgrims' Attitude to the Holy Land in the Crusader Period", Jerusalem Cathedra, 41 (1986), 38-54.
  • "Islam and Muslims as Seen by Western Pilgrims in the Holy Landin the Thirteenth Century", Asian and African Studies, 20 (1986), 309-327.
  • (Hebrew), "Jews and Israel in the Twelfth-Century Crusading Chronography", Studies in Historiography, Jerusalem, 1987, p 85-100.
  • "Pèlerins d'expression française aux XIIe-XIIIe siècles", Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 35 (1987), 31-41.
  • "Medieval Pilgrims, the Holy Land and its Image in European Civilization", Pillars of Smoke and Fire, Johannesburg, 1988, p 65-79
  • "Louis VII pèlerin", Revue d'Histoire de l'Eglise de France, 74 (1988), 5-22.
  • "Les pèlerins occidentaux en Terre sainte au moyen âge: une minorité étrangère dans sa patrie spirituelle", Studi Medievali, III, 30 (1989), 15-48.
  • (Hebrew) "From Travellers on Boat to Passengers' Ships: Pilgrims Transport in the Middle Ages", Israel - People and Land, 22 (1989), 155-164.
  • "Le conept du Contemptus mundi dans les pratiques des pèlerins occidentaux en Terre sainte à l'époque des croisades", Medievalia Christiana Hommage à Raymonde Foreville, Paris, 1990, p 290-306.
  • "Aspects économiques et logistiques du pèlerinage an M"diterranée du XIIe au XVe siècle", La France et la Méditerranée, Leiden, 1990, p 228-240.
  • "Le monachisme latin dans le royaume de Jérusalem: impact politique et encadrement religieux", Naissance et fonctionnement des réseaux monastiques et canoniaux, Saint-Etienne, 1991, p 425-435.
  • "The Description of Jerusalem by William of Malmesbury.Mirror of the Holy Land's Presence in the Anglo-Norman Mind", Anglo-Norman Studies, 13 (1991), 43-56.
  • "Militia and MalitiaCharacterizing the Bernanrdine Vision of Chivalry"; The Second Crusade and the Cistercians, New York, 1992, p 49-56.
  • "L'autre dans le royaume latin de Jérusalem. Typlogie des rapports interreligieux", Proceeding of the International Congress of Historical Studies, Madrid, 1992, vol II, p 605-616.
  • "La découverte du monde musulman par les pèlerins européens au XIIIe siècle", Al-Masaq, 5 (1992), 29-46.
  • (Hebrew) "Qalath Namrud and the Crusader Fortification System in the Golan Heights", The Golan and the Hermon, Tel Aviv, 1993, p 393-402.
  • (Hebrew) "The Nobility of Acre in the Last Generation of the Crusader Kingdom in the Mirror of the Local Scriptorium", Festschrift Moshé Dothan, Haifa, 1993, p 271-278.
  • "La Terre sainte à la veille de la première croisade", Il concilio di Piacenza e le Crociate, Piacenza, 1996, p 273-283.
  • "La fondation de l'abbaye du Templum Domini et la légende du temple de Jérusalem au XIIe siècle", Autour de la première Croisade, Paris, 1996, p 231-237.
  • "La bibliothèque du noble d'Outremer dans la seconde moitié du XIIIe siècle", Le Moyen Age, 103 (1997), 53-66.
  • "The Cyclical Views of History in the Late Thirteenth-Century Acre", From Clermont to Jerusalem, Turnhout, 1998, p 131-139.
  • Le pèlerin occidental en Terre sainte au moyen âge, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1998.
  • "Nobility and Knighthood in the Crusader World", Knights of the Holy Land: the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 1999, p 124-131.
  • "Une conséquence du brülement du Talmud à Paris: le développement de l'école talmudique d'Acre", Le brûlement du Talmud à Paris, 1242-1244, Paris, 1999, p 47-56.
  • "La chronographie hébraïque des croisades. Mémoire et rédaction des témoignages", Revue des Etudes Juives, 159 (2000), 79-98.
  • "Terre sainte et Orient latin vus par Willebrand d'Oldenbourg", Dei Gesta per Francos. Mélanges Jean Richard, Aldershot, 2001, p 261-268.
  • "La description de l'Egypte au XIVe siècle par les pèlerins et voyageurs occidentaux", Moyen Age, 109 (2003), 529-543.
  • "The First Crusade and the Jews", The Crusades: Other Experiences, Alternate Perspectives, Binghamton, 2003, p 13-26.
  • "Les pèlerinages du XIe siècle en Terre sainte dans l'historiographie occidentale de l'époque", Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, 101 (2006), 531-546.
