About this project

The materials presented on this website were gathered during a pilot study, carried out in 2007-08 and generously supported by grants from the Westfield Trust and the Queen Mary Department of History Research Fund. The project was directed and managed by Dr Tom Asbridge and was completed with the assistance of Dr William Purkis and Dr Nicholas Morton.

In the course of the pilot study a small selection of crusader studies scholars were sent a questionnaire asking them to comment on the following:


When and where did you initially develop an interest in the history of the crusades and/or the Latin East?

Who or what sparked your enthusiasm for the subject?


Please provide details of your Higher Education, including dates, institution(s) and the name(s) of your research supervisors.

Career History

Please provide details of your academic career history, including confirmation of your current institutional affiliation and contact details.

Influences and Methodologies

What ideas and/or methodologies have informed your approach to your research?

Research Outlook

What do you consider to be the most important avenues for future research in the field of crusader studies?

Research Output

Please provide details of your research output, including publications and other media as appropriate.


While collating and presenting the responses received, every effort was made to retain the original content and formatting. In some cases, ‘Research Output’ entries were edited for length and field of study.

In addition, a number of profiles of deceased historians of the crusades were researched and written by Dr William Purkis.